Version 12 (modified by 13 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Welcome to the RoutingSim homepage
RoutingSim is a simulation framework that allows the analysis of the algorithmic behaviour of routing protocols in large-scale networks. To this end, it provides network topologies, pre-calculated shortest paths, several network dynamic models (e.g, catastrophic failure or weibull distributed lifetime churn). The intended audience of RoutingSim are researchers who seek reproducible, scalable, and comparable simulation results independently from a specific type of network (e.g., ad-hoc networks, or sensor networks).
Currently RoutingSim only has only a extended variant of Virtual Ring Routing (eVRR) implemented. However, we're working on the portation many other protocols, like Distributed Compact Routing (Disco), or Dynamic Address RouTing (DART).
We are currently setting up the pages, if you need a quick tour of RoutingSim please visit the documentation
You are welcome to contribute to this project, add comments, and, discuss all things about routing. We're seeking to make RoutingSim a community effort to turn current trends of routing routing protocols to practice and ignite further research directions. If you are interested being part of this development please contact us!
- 15.12.2011: Homepage up. First paper about RoutingSim presented at ICON'2011