Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of eVRRgettingStarted

Dec 15, 2011, 5:25:47 PM (13 years ago)



  • eVRRgettingStarted

    v1 v2  
    1 sdf
     1= Quickstart =
     3 1. Go to the simulations/Demo Folder
     4 1. Right-Click on Demo.ini
     5 1. Select Run as.. Omnet++ Simulation
     6 1. Select the Config "Demo" by clicking Ok
     7 1. You will see two windows:
     8   ||[[Image(eVRR-Demo-Network.png, 200px)]]||[[Image(eVRR-Demo-Startup.png, 400px)]]||
     9   Right-clicking on "manager" and selecting "Inspect as graphics" will show you the network:
     10   [[Image(eVRR-Demo-NetworkAsGraphics.png, 400px)]][[BR]]
     11   and allow you to observe the simulation in detail (at least for small-sized simulations << 1000 nodes).
     12 1. Push the "Run"-Button
     14= Detailed Explanation =
     16You have two possibilities to build the network topology for your simulation.
     18 1. Running from an OMNet++ NEtwork Description (NED)
     19  a. Using a given .ned file
     20  NED files are OMNet++'s integrated language for the description of networks. Let's take a look at a simple Network Topology for RoutingSim:
     21  {{{
     22  package routingsim.simulations;
     23  import;
     26  }}}
     27  a. Using OMNet++'s Topology Generator
     28   1. Select, e.g., Random Topology and click "Next"
     29   1. Determine network size and connectivity and click "Next"
     30   1. Name the network and as NED type for Node select before clicking on "Next"
     31   1. as "Gate to connect", choose "inout toNeighbors[]", which is the OMNet++ gate vector for the interconnection of nodes (in contrast to, e.g., node-internal connctions (toProtocols[]) or connections to other modules (Statistics, Dynamics, NetworkManager).
     32   1. Click finish and inspect the generated topology
     33 1. Running from a [wiki:TopologyFiles topology file]
     34    Along with the !RoutingSim package, there comes a ready to start configuration for the included eVRR that you can use as example for further configurations (file !RoutingSim/simulations/Demo/Demo.ini)
     37 1  [General]
     38 2  network = routingsim.simulations.DefaultNetwork
     39 3
     40 4  [Config Demo]
     41 5  # logging
     42 6  **.samplingInterval=1.0
     43 7
     44 8  # evrr
     45 9  **.immediateResponse=false
     4610  **.updateFrequency=1.0
     4711  **.vneighbors = 1
     4913  # network manager
     5014  **.protocols = "routingsim.routing.evrr.VirtualRing"
     5115  **.topologyFile = "Demo-Grid-100.txt"
     5216  #**.spath = "path/to/file.spath"
     5418  # general
     5519  sim-time-limit = 1000s
     58Line 2 sets the default network. This network is the base for every simulation that is driven with file-based topology input and consists solely of the NetworkManager module (file !RoutingSim/simulations/DefaultNetwork.ned)
     611  package routingsim.simulations;
     633  import*;
     644  import routingsim.dynamics.*;
     666  network DefaultNetwork
     677  {
     688      submodules:
     699          manager: NetworkManager;
     7010 }
     72On startup, the !NetworkManager module is created and based on the configuration parameters dynamically sets up the simulation with the above parameters:
     74Line 6 defines the sampling interval, i.e., the time span between statistics are polled from your protocol by the statistics module.[[BR]]
     75Lines 8-11 set protocol-specific parameters.[[BR]]
     76Line 14 defines the protocol that you want to simulate and that needs to be instantiated within each node.[[BR]]
     77Line 15 sets the topology to be instantiated[[BR]]
     78Line 16 is commented out, but for larger topologies may set the precalculated shortest path file.[[BR]]
     79Line 19 sets an OMNeT++ parameter that restricts the runtime of the simulation measured in simulation time.